Wednesday 12 August 2015

Thoughts to help write my essay

In the article that I chose to write my critical essay on, it outlines how the use of video games can be beneficial to teaching Math and Algebra in classrooms from K – 12. I cannot get it out of my mind and has left me with a lot of questions out of curiosity. I believe that this outline would be beneficial with adults as well.
·         When dealing with adults; would they be willing participants and not let their own inhibitions to prevent them from utilizing the new tool.
·         This tool could be used as an examination of how well they receive the information if used in conjunction with traditional in class training.
Obstacles and constraints:
·         How receptive would the adult participants be with the change in the curriculum?
·         How to ‘prove’ that the new methodology has great potential so management accepts a trial run of the new methodology.
·         A lot of maintenance required, which would require a lot of skill sets from Trainers, how practical is that new requirement?

Trust, Motivation, and Insecurities

All of these emotions have presented themselves for me this course. I think the initiator is Trust; trust in yourself, trust that you can get it all done, trust in the work that you are producing, trust in learning and where you want to go with it. I went through a phase of lack of trust in myself about half way through this course and as a result it directly impacted my motivation for the learning, which then led to insecurities around the capability of the learning. Interesting and curious I dove into why I was feeling this way and it lead to the above realization after several hours and days of reflection. I am so thankful that I am conscience enough to understand where the emotions are coming from so when they present themselves in the future I’ll know exactly where to place them.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Research Paper vs a Thesis?

That is the question, whether to do a Research Paper or a Thesis? I have a couple of Research questions that would result in very interesting subject matter and have started to put a structure together on paper - my mantra for this work is to get it down somewhere on paper and out of my head! On the other hand, I am implementing a training program at work which in itself would make for a great thesis. After reading several of my cohorts blogs it looks as though I am not the only one having trouble deciding. I'll be back soon to post some of my info graphs that will make up the framework for a Research Paper if I go that route. I will also post some of the training strategies that I have put together for work along with the plan of how we are going to implement what we say we are going to do. Might give you some ideas as well.

Sunday 28 June 2015


What a week this has been! Lots of assignments due and my group has been a joy to work with thus far! The major concern throughout the group is time management because we all have full lives. I really liked how our charter came together and outlined our group values along with how we are going to manage difficulties. We have agreed that we will collaborate throughout this process, define roles appropriately, be accountable, reach our goals, pick up the slack where needed - hence our slogan "Life Happens". 

It's nice to feel as though you have a net. I am grateful to be working with the BIGs for the first Unit.