Thursday 16 June 2016

Unit 2 - Introduction to Education Research continued…

Introduction to Education Research continued…
Research within research… wow there are so many different types of research methodologies out there – I admit it’s a little overwhelming. The one research method that I resonate with in this phase of the project at work is the Action Research method. This is where the researcher is focused on solving specific problems.
Some of my specific problems at work are as follows:
1. Hardware not meeting the capability of some of the platforms that we are using I.e. no audio to listen to the videos we are producing.
2. Firewalls and access to training material: We have external Ministries that are receiving training however they do not have access to the Network, therefore, we have to send them the videos which are very large (email attachment limitations), and zips are stripped.
I am currently using the Action research method where I have diagnosed several problems, and conduct a review to see if a answer already exists. Usually that results in an answer of ‘no’ an answer doesn’t already exist then I plan and carry out my own research study to create a proposal prior to implementing the changes or solutions. As the article states – this seems to be a never ending process, “because most problems are never fully solved.” (p.10)
Johnson, R.B., Christensen, L. (2014). Chapter 1: Introduction to Educational Research. In Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches.(pp. 1-28) Sage Publishing.


  1. Hi Dorinda,
    I think you found the perfect research form for your problem. It is a specific problem that you as a local practitioner faces. Your approach - diagnosing the specific problem and then planning and carrying out the research study - fits the approach that Johnson and Christensen define in their book. One question I would have is if a literature review would not have any suggestions for your problems? They are very common problems, that many people and/or institutions face.
    Keep on going with your project :-)

  2. Hi Dorinda,
    Well done that you're able to take on a research project at work. I think that action research is likely the most applicable research methodology when diagnosing and resolving problems in the workplace and I'm interested to understand if you are undertaking the research as part of a project? Are you going to be able to propose and implement any changes?

  3. Hi Dorinda,
    Well done that you're able to take on a research project at work. I think that action research is likely the most applicable research methodology when diagnosing and resolving problems in the workplace and I'm interested to understand if you are undertaking the research as part of a project? Are you going to be able to propose and implement any changes?
